The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Delayed into 2012
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) introduced in October has been delayed until sometime in 2012. SOPA’s goal is to aid with the ongoing dilemma of copyright infringement, pirating, and/or the counterfeiting of intellectual property many US based media companies are facing by foreign and some domestic websites.
11th Annual DoD Cyber Crime Conference 2012
11th Annual DoD Cyber Crime…
Wipe Your Tech Devices Before Giving Them Away….
As the holiday season steadily approaches, many individuals are planning to upgrade their current technology devices with the latest and greatest on the market. For example, individuals who currently possess an older iPhone such as the 3gs or iPhone 4 are eyeing the new iPhone 4s with the Siri feature. While android-based users have a tons of options to be excited about with the resent releases of the Nexus, RAZR and Galaxy smart phones totting the new Android 4.0 operating system titled Ice Cream sandwich. Then you have to take into consideration other tech gadgets and devices such as tablets, e-readers, netbooks, laptops and computers.
Avoiding Phishing
Phishing is defined as the practice of using fraudulent e-mails and fake duplications of legitimate websites to extract financial data from computer users for purposes of identity theft.
Carrier IQ: What You Should Know by Lookout Mobile Security
Carrier IQ is diagnostic software that comes pre-installed on some mobile devices. Mobile network operators use information gathered on your location and call activity to improve network coverage and reduce instances of dropped calls. Recently there has been a large amount of press coverage over the perceived privacy and security violations posed by Carrier IQ software. At Lookout, it is our belief that much of this coverage has been overstated. While there are a number of real privacy issues at play, based on our understanding Carrier IQ is not malware nor has malicious intent. We do believe that companies big and small should always take a transparent approach when it comes to data they are collecting from people.
Webcast: Advanced Persistent Defense
Threats are constant and evolving. In this security landscape, organizations need to be proficient in both defense AND offense in order to protect themselves. Often we may understand the techniques that our adversaries are using, but somehow still fail to prepare our organizations and people for the attacks. As such, it is time for defenders to become persistent and proactive in trying to exploit their organizational assets, rather than simply waiting until their next audit.
SANS Security East 2012 is coming up soon with new courses!
SANS comes to New Orleans, January 17-26. Start the year off right with our top-rated instructors and outstanding course offerings.
SANS Security East 2012, New Orleans, LA
SANS is the most trusted and by far the largest source for information security training in the world. They offer training through several delivery methods - live & virtual conferences, mentors, online, and onsite.
Join SANS in 2012 for your training and save $150.00 with the use of our discount code Refer_SecOrb
Free Wireless Access Can Be a Security Problem
Connecting to a random WiFi hotspot is much like strolling into a bar in a strange part of town. Most likely you'll have a good time, but it could ruin your day. It's wise to assume that all hotspots harbor predators, and take appropriate precautions.