China claims it’s willing to talk to U.S. about cybersecurity
An article form Cnet about China and the U.S. on cybersecurity …
GovSec 2013 Comes to Washington, DC
GovSec 2013 the nation’s premier homeland security conference, returns to Washington, DC May 13-15, delivering the training and tools you need to secure the nation and protect our people!!
FOSE 2013 is returning to Washington, DC May 14-16
This year’s program equips you with real-world tools and tactics from trailblazers who've been there, done that.
Framing itself as a Victim, China Calls for a Global Crackdown on Hackers
An article from Yahoo news in there tech section : In between…
Iran blocks use of tool to get around Internet filter
An article form NBC new in there technology section : DUBAI…
Android App Licenses Sold in Malware Black Market
Malware article from TechNews: Verified Android developer…
Microsoft to patch security vulnerabilities on Tuesday – including some rated as “critical”
An article from Naked security on Microsoft patch’s:
Five Ways To Better Hunt The Zebras In Your Network
An article from dark reading about employees, and their computers,…
Bypassing Android encryption by freezing android phones
German Security Researchers have discovered that freezing an…
Hacktivists plan to resume DDoS campaign against U.S. banks
An interesting article from SC Magazine about DDOS: Citing inadequate…