Installing ClamAV on CentOS 7

Referenced from Linux-Audit: To get ClamAV on CentOS installed,…

Burp to Brute Force a Login Page

Using Burp to Brute Force a Login Page Authentication lies…

Accessing and Installing GSM Community Edition – OpenVAS

Version: 4.2.17 (includes OpenVAS-9) Download:…

Reset the admin password in OpenVAS

Try this: openvasmd --user=admin --new-password=new_password Or…

5 pen testing rules of engagement: What to consider while performing Penetration testing

Penetration testing and ethical hacking are proactive ways of testing web applications by performing attacks that are similar to a real attack that could occur on any given day. They are executed in a controlled way with the objective of finding as many security flaws as possible and to provide feedback on how to mitigate the risks posed by such flaws.

OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks

The OWASP Top 10 focuses on identifying the most serious risks for a broad array of organizations. For each of these risks, we provide generic information about likelihood and technical impact using the following simple ratings scheme, which is based on the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology.

OpenVAS & Metasploit Integration – How to Use OpenVAS in Metasploit

Recently during an engagement, I was able to use OpenVAS in Metasploit to scan a host and conduct a test to see if the system was indeed exploitable. Here is how it was done below:

WordPress 4.9.7 Security and Maintenance Release

Download WordPress 4.9.7 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update automatically.

SummerCon 2018

Summercon is one of the oldest hacker conventions, and the longest-running such conference in America. It helped set a precedent for more modern "cons" such as H.O.P.E. and DEF CON, although it has remained smaller and more personal. SummerCon has been hosted in cities such as Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Atlanta, New York, Washington, D.C., Austin, Las Vegas, and Amsterdam.

SummerCon 2018 Recap

SummerCon 2018 was another success this year in New York. Being one of the oldest hacking conventions in America we always like the opportunity to attend and enjoy the vibe. Armed with some great speaker and topic below, this event kept the attention of the attendees.