Amazon AWS GuardDuty

Amazon GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring service that analyzes and processes the following data sources: VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail event logs, and DNS logs.

Amazon AWS Inspector

Amazon Inspector is an automated security assessment service that helps you test the network accessibility of your Amazon EC2 instances and the security state of your applications running on those instances.

Using Docker To Install OpenVAS On CentOS

An interesting post from Gerry Williams at Description: Saw…

OpenVAS image for Docker on Ubuntu

A Docker container for OpenVAS on Ubuntu. By default, the latest images includes the OpenVAS Base as well as the NVTs and Certs required to run OpenVAS

WP GDPR Compliance WordPress Plug-in Exploited

A WordPress plug-in known as the WP GDPR Compliance plug-in contains a dangerous privilege escalation vulnerability that attackers have been actively exploiting to compromise websites.

Video: General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) – The law that lets Europeans take back their data from big tech companies

Tech companies' reign over users' personal data has run largely unchecked in the age of the internet. Europe is seeking to end that with a new law