Entries by admin

First “Patch Tuesday” of 2012

In the first “Patch Tuesday” of 2012, Microsoft is releasing seven security bulletins to address software issues an attacker could use to remotely exploit and take control of infected Windows systems. Patch Tuesday occurs on the second Tuesday of each month and on that day Microsoft releases security patches to fix vulnerabilities found in their products.

SecurityOrb.com’s Top 10 Cyber Security Threat Predictions for 2012

2011 was an attention-grabbing year in the information security industry. We saw some interesting things such as mobile apps become a talking point as well as some Mac OS X malware. Furthermore, the issues pertaining insider threat, hacktivism, Stuxnet’s sibling Duqu, social networking site vulnerabilities as well as our share of zero-day attacks to name a few. So, what is in store for 2012 you ask?

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Delayed into 2012

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) introduced in October has been delayed until sometime in 2012. SOPA’s goal is to aid with the ongoing dilemma of copyright infringement, pirating, and/or the counterfeiting of intellectual property many US based media companies are facing by foreign and some domestic websites.

Wipe Your Tech Devices Before Giving Them Away….

As the holiday season steadily approaches, many individuals are planning to upgrade their current technology devices with the latest and greatest on the market. For example, individuals who currently possess an older iPhone such as the 3gs or iPhone 4 are eyeing the new iPhone 4s with the Siri feature. While android-based users have a tons of options to be excited about with the resent releases of the Nexus, RAZR and Galaxy smart phones totting the new Android 4.0 operating system titled Ice Cream sandwich. Then you have to take into consideration other tech gadgets and devices such as tablets, e-readers, netbooks, laptops and computers.

CyberMonday, November 28, 2011 – Be Prepared

The term “Cyber Monday” refers to the Monday immediately following Black Friday, the ceremonial kick-off of the holiday online shopping season in the United States between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Whereas Black Friday is associated with traditional brick-and-mortar stores, “Cyber Monday” symbolizes a busy day for online retailers.

“Guy Fawkes Virus” May Be The Cause for Offensive Facebook Images

Twenty-Fours hours later, the problem continues to be an issue for Facebook users as they have gone to Twitter and Google+ to complain about the embarrassment and frustration of these images being posted under their profile. It seems Facebook is still having problems rectifying the matter and we have not seen much on the Facebook security page to update users on the matter.