Entries by admin

What’s New in Nexpose 5.0: The Next Generation in Vulnerability Management

Organizations across all industries and government agencies (at both the federal and state level) are struggling to mitigate constant cyber threats and comply with legislative or regulatory mandates. That’s nothing new in today’s information security landscape. What is new is that the new release of Rapid7 Nexpose provides a security risk intelligence solution that represents a paradigm shift in vulnerability management solutions.

DerbyCon 2011 Review

DerbyCon is a new hacker’s conference held this past weekend in Louisville, Kentucky. Hans Bosch of NY, a SecurityOrb.com contributor had the opportunity to attend and shared some positive feedback with me about the conference.

Stop Bullying: Speak Up – Facebook and Time Warner Team Up

Today Facebook and Time Warner are launching the Stop Bullying: Speak Up Social Pledge App. The Facebook app is aimed at educating people about the harm that bullying can cause and inspiring bystanders to speak up whenever they see bullying. The app is full of great resources, including the ability to create bullying prevention groups in schools and expert tips from safety organizations. We encourage everyone to pledge to stop bullying by speaking up, and help us spread the word.

FCC and FTC holds Location-Based Services Forum

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is holding a public forum on privacy concerns about cell phones and their ability to track the location of users.

The forum is being held between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EDT at the FCC Headquarters, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington DC 20554.

Audio/video coverage of the meeting will be broadcast live with open captioning over the Internet from the FCC’s web page at www.fcc.gov/live. The FCC’s webcast is free to the public. Those who watch the live video stream of the event may email event-related questions to livequestions@fcc.gov. Depending on the volume of questions and time constraints, the panel moderators will work to respond to as many questions as possible during the workshop.

EC-Council 2011 Security Events

Hacker Halted USA, October 21-27 in Miami, is the EC-Council’s flagship IT security event for both technical experts and C-Level executives. It hosts lots of technical training courses and a two-day conference with exhibits. The conference track themes include cloud security, SCADA, and timely topics chosen by peer review and input from 450 training companies worldwide. SecurityOrb subscribers can receive a $100 discount on the two-day conference or the six-day Training/Conference Package by inserting the code HHMP31 when prompted. www.hackerhalted.com/2011