SANS WhatWorks in Virtualization and Cloud Computing Summit with Tom Liston, Washington DC, August 19-20
As security professionals, we work in an environment that never…
(IN)SECURE Magazine Issue 26 released
(IN)SECURE Magazine is a freely available digital security magazine
Digital Forensic Acquisition
One of the key aspects of conducting digital forensics pertains with the proper collection and authentication of the evidence. If the evidence is not collected properly, there is a very good chance the results of the examination will be questioned. Following digital forensic best practices, we typically conduct our examination on copies, often referred to as "forensic images" of the original evidence.
Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.5 Update for Mac OS X
Microsoft has released security bulletin MS10-038. This security…
Information Security vs Information Privacy
Information technology conflicting with personal and information privacy has been a major topic in recent months keeping privacy organizations including the Washington D.C. based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) busy as the premiere privacy watchdog in the U.S. For example, recent issues such as Google asking the NSA for assistance in the investigation of a cyber-attack that occurred on its network.
Types of Wireless Attacks
Standard wireless communication occurs when the end user and the wireless access point are able to communication on a point-to-point basis without interruptions. There are many attack variations in existence against wireless networks that breaks the standard communication format. These attacks includes the denial of service attacks, the man in the middle attacks and the WEP key-cracking attack to name a few and are described below.
The Types of Hackers: Black Hat, White Hat or a Gray Hat Hacker, Which Type are you?
A white hat hacker is a computer and network expert who attacks…
Cloud Computing and Security Concerns
Cloud computing has been receiving a lot of press in the IT mainstream media lately and all indications points to it continuing to be a hot topic for some time.
Computer Malware and Preventive Recommendations: Botnets
Botnets are one of the fastest growing and the most dangerous threat on the Internet today. “Bot” stands for robot, which is a piece of software with some intelligence to perform a task and the “net” stands for network which is the collection of these individual bots under one controlling person called a bot herder.
Mac OS X: A Threat is growing…
Security researchers are discovering serious vulnerabilities in the Mac OS X system. Even though we have not seen specific malware to exploit these vulnerabilities, they do exist in the labs and technical papers as proof of concepts.