Facebook “Dislike” Button a Scam

Facebook users are being targeted again in a scam that offers them a chance to install a "dislike" button. This scam has been making its way around Facebook this past weekend and it is said thousands of users have been affected, effected and infected. The scam asks users if they would like to install a "dislike" button on their Facebook page, once they select the link the user are tricked into allowing a rogue application to access their profile page, which then begin post spam messages. The rouge application also attempts to lure the user into completing an online survey, for which the responsible party of the scam are paid money.

Facebook Fixes Privacy Issue – Full Disclosure of User Information

On august 11, 2010, a researcher post information about a bug in Facebook's login process that revealed the full name, email address and profile picture of all 500 plus million Facebook account holders regardless of your privacy setting. The bug has recently been repaired by Facebook, but posed enormous privacy threat for Facebook users prior to the fix being implemented.

Apple’s iDevices Gets Latest Patch against Latest Jailbreak Issue

Apparently, everyone was waiting for the update, while small in size and a quick download for the iPad, the same could not be said for the iPhone. The patch for the iPhone took over an hour for the 300+ MB file to be downloaded. The latest versions are now 4.0.2 for the iPhone and 3.2.2 for the iPad.

The Wireshark Certification Exam

The Wireshark Certification Exam was designed to confirm individual competencies in using Wireshark to locate the cause of network problems (poor performance or security-related) and confirm your knowledge of TCP/IP network communications in general.

What is Patch Tuesday?

Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of each month, the day on which Microsoft releases security patches.

Google’s Android Targeted by Malware

Security experts at Kaspersky Lab stated they have discovered a malware application that targets the Google Android mobile operating system in Russia. The malware named "Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a" is the first of its kind specifically implement to target the Android mobile OS according to the researchers at Kaspersky Lab.

Attend 15th Annual Hacker Halted Information Security Event and Get a Free iPad

HackerHalted.com - Register for the 2-day conference by August 31 and receive a FREE iPad onsite. No tricks or anything else to purchase.

Jailbreaking Apple’s Mobile iProducts Get Easier

As the popularity of the small Apple products (iPhone, iPad, iTouch) take off, they are drawing the attentions of hackers. Some hackers just want to access the OS so they remove roadblocks for application customization and to add unauthorized tools and programs, while others might want to do damage or steal your information.

Custom Lightbox!

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SecurityOrb Live Stream on The Tech Talk Show 1450 WOL

Listen to me live tonight on TheTechTalkShow @ 7:00pm on WOL-AM 1450 (DC) or listen online @ http://bit.ly/xCG7d #Security, #Technology