FCC to make ruling on “White Space” usage.
We covered this topic with Alton Drew of The Alton Drew Group on The Tech Talk Show. The discussion pertain to how “White Space” will aid in bridging the digital divide. Of course there are security implications SecurityOrb.com will cover on this topic.
Adam Carpenter of the Fort Worth Gadgets Examiner for examiner.com wrote an interesting article.
On September 23rd the FCC will vote on a new set of rules that will finally allow their planned “super WiFi” to become reality.
In 2009 the FCC voted to open up the vast amounts of “white space” frequencies that lie between television broadcast channels. The move was the first time since 1985 that the FCC has opened up a new set of unliscenced frequencies. The frequencies that were opened in 1985 are the very same ones that are currently used for current WiFi internet, many remote controls, baby monitors, cordless phones, etc. A vast amount of innovation began when the frequencies were opened then, and as FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said “We’re hoping history will repeat itself.”
You can find the rest of the article here.
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